Let's get you started with your Pre-AEP Marketing

Getting people thinking about Medicare is easy!
Help your sales this year by reaching out to your Medicare book of business or prospects.
Our postcards are designed so that they stand out in your clients' mailboxes.

A bit about the program (Pre-AEP)

Pre-AEP will drop in the mail stream by September 1st. They are non-carrier or product specific mailers. Dropping them by September 1st gives you time to set up appointments prior to AEP! See all the options below. Mailers can be viewed larger by clicking on the image. Click the button below the mailer you want and we will send you a proof. 

Wanting Post-AEP Carrier and Product Specific Mailers??
Be on the look out for another email from Brianna!

Medicare Local Agent Postcards

Medicare V1

This Postcard is great to show that you are an independent agent at the ready. Bright colors will get this post card to be seen by anyone. 

Medicare V2

Another great postcard to get someone's attention. With great photos and the sharp look, it's a sure thing to get someone to give you a call.

Medicare V3

Show off that you are a local agent. The angles create a great focus and are just the hook you need.

Medicare V4

This peaceful, relaxing postcard is has a great compliment of colors and energy. 

Medicare V5

Show your clients how wonderful life can be. Once you are having a little fun you can get down to business talking about Medicare.

Medicare V6

Blue is your color! With large text it's sure to attract. 

Medicare V7

Show your adventurous side. Get in touch with your outdoorsy clients and get them to take that adventure with you.

Medicare Policy Review Postcards

Policy Review V1

Colorful way to let your clients know it's time again to get an Annual Check-up.

Policy Review V2

Ask your customers if they have peace of mind about their Senior Benefits. 

Policy Review V3

Help your customers by giving them the peace of mind they might be looking for with an Annual Check-up.  

Local Agent Postcards

Local Agent V1

As a local agent you have to let your customers know you are available to them to help

Local Agent V2

Ask your customers if they have peace of mind about their Senior Benefits. 

Local Agent V3

Get noticed in the big city. Let them know you are their local expert. 

Annual Check-Up Postcards

Annual Check-Up V1

It's that time again! Let you clients know it time to look into other plans that might be better for them. 

Annual Check-Up V2

Opportunities to help your client and let them know it could be easy to get information on possibly saving money.

Letter Options

Annual Policy Review V1

Where does the time go? Let's review your coverage!

Annual Policy Review V2

General Annual Policy Review

Annual Policy Review V3

General Annual Policy Review

Annual Policy Review V4

General Annual Policy Review

Annual Policy Review V5

Are you satisfied with your plan? Medicare Annual Enrollment is upon us! Thank you for being a valued client!

Annual Policy Review V6

Are you satisfied with your plan? Medicare Annual Enrollment is upon us! Thank you for being a valued client!